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Adding Users to aNinja

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Adding users to aNinja is very easy.  However, the number of users in aNinja is set according to your Billing plan.

The role assigned to a user controls his access to areas and features within the aNinja app. Each user account requires a role. And changing the role of a user can be done at any time.

Adding / inviting users

Users with admin or owner roles can invite other users to join their aNinja installation.

  • Fill in the following info:
    • Email: email address of the user to invite. This will be the login username.
    • First Name: of the user
    • Last Name: of the user
    • Role: Role to assign to the new user (user/admin)
  • After reviewing the data added, just click invite.
  • Lastly, your newly invited team member will receive the login information by email.

Adding users to aNinja

Note: the new user will be on the same billing plan as the current one the owner user is on.

User ID

Each user is granted a private user-id as soon as he is invited to join aNinja, regardless of his role.

Using a Smartlist, you can utilize this user-id to filter leads assigned to a certain user.

You can also assign a bulk import to a user or multiple users using this user-id in the CSV file.

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