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aNinja API
aNinja API allows you to integrate your different marketplaces into your aNinja account using your private aNinja API key.
What is an API
An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of functions that allows applications to access data and interact with external software components, operating systems, or microservices.
To simplify, an API delivers a user’s response to a system and eventually, sends the system’s response back to a user. For example:
- When you click “add to cart”;
- Then, an API tells the site you added a product to your cart;
- Afterward, the website puts the product in your cart
- As a result, your cart is updated.
Real-world examples of APIs
Looking for real-world examples of APIs? Every time you visit a page online, you’re interacting with API. Here are some real-world examples so you know how you can interact with aNinja API.
- – Facebook ads aNinja Integration
- Amazon Seller Central + Webhooks by Zapier aNinja Integration
- WordPress Forms aNinja Integration
- Calendly Integration
- Clickfunnels Integration
- Creating aNinja Lead Form
- Eventbrite Webhook aNinja Integration
- Javascript API Integration
- imatrix aNinja Integration
- Leadsbridge aNinja Integration
- Standalone / Curl Applications Integrations
- Shopify Integration
- VistaPrint aNinja Form Integration
- Webflow Integration using Zapier
- Webflow Webhook Integration
- Wix Webhook aNinja Integration
- Zillow Integration
- Zapier aNinja Integration
- Embed aNinja form on Godaddy
Think you might be ready to try APIs for yourself? Then you can explore APIs, send requests, see what data is returned, and much, much more.
Lastly, have any questions or clarifications on the aNinja API? Leave us a message at We will happily assist you.