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Calendly action did not trigger lead creation in aNinja

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Calendly action did not trigger lead creation in aNinja?


Basically, any activity in your Calendly Calendar (like booking a demo with a lead), must trigger the creation of a lead into your aNinja account.

Calendly action did not trigger the creation of a lead

When you installed Calendly to use it as your calendar in your aNinja, the system has set a trigger that allows creating a lead in aNinja, after any action with leads in Calendly.

If Calendly‘s action did not trigger lead creation in aNinja, that means that there is an issue with the communication between the 2 applications.

Let’s get to know how API work in this case. API is a set of functions that allows 2 applications to interact with each other. Even more, to exchange data. In our case, the applications are Calendly and aNinja.

  • For the integration to work, Calendly shares its personal access token with you. You then save it in your aNinja account.
  • If you can’t see the webhooks data under the User / Organization Webhooks, you want to check your Calendly plan. The integration requires a “Professional” account.
  • Sometimes, Calendly automatically disables the webhooks if it was receiving error codes from our server. To re-enable it, you should delete and recreate the webhook.
  • You want to click on Refresh Webhooks every time you make changes to the webhooks.

Need help with this? Just reach us at We will happily assist you!

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