Segmenting leads in the bulk import using Custom fields

Segmenting the leads you are importing means separating them into different lists that can be more manageable. One way to do it is using custom fields.

aNinja was designed to allow sending a large number of texts and emails. However, before sending your outbound, you might want to check the daily email sending limits allowed by your email provider.

You might also want to check the text sending limits that you registered for in your billing plan with aNinja.

That’s why aNinja recommends you segment your contacts before importing them to avoid any issues.

Segmenting leads before the import

One way to do it is using Custom fields.

Inside your CSV editor / Excel / Google sheets, etc.. and before uploading:

  • Add a column to your bulk import, and name it Custom.batch
  • Fill the cells of this column with e.g. 1 for the first 1000, 2 for the second batch of 1000, etc…

Importing the segmented CSV file

  • Import that CSV to aNinja and map the Custom.batch column to an aNinja Custom.batch field.
  • Now, all the contacts in the CSV file are saved in your aNinja account, with the number of the batch as a custom field.

Identifying the leads by batch number

  • In the top navigation bar, search for e.g. Custom.batch=2
  • You will get the leads that have 2 in the custom field,  shortlisted in the leads view.

Now you can send them Bulk texts sequences, Bulk email sequences, and even powerdial them.

Lastly, save that query as a Smartlist for a faster access in the future.

Where does the imported data appear

After the import, you can search your aNinja CRM for the imported leads. You can also search for any custom field, opportunities, and any other info that you have imported.

  • Lead’s contacts appear in the leads contact section in the lead view
  • Opportunities also appear in the opportunity section in the lead view
  • The company’s info appears on the top left of the lead view, in the Company section.
  • Custom fields appear in the custom field section of the lead view
  • Lead Search is a field that also appears in the bottom left of the lead view. Specifically, these are info/links on the lead or the organization found in Google search.

Adding your calendar to email & text sequences

Adding your Calendar to email & text sequences can be a convenient way to share your schedule with the recipients.

It allows them to easily see when you are available and schedule meetings or appointments without having to ask you for your availability.

Calendly is a calendar that you can install in your aNinja account.

Adding your Calendar to email & text sequences

Here are some ways to add your calendar link to an email or text message.

Benefits of sharing your calendar

Sharing your calendar in email and text sequences to be sent to leads in bulk can provide several benefits, including:

  1. Improved lead engagement: Make it easy for leads to schedule a meeting with you at a time that works for them. This can increase lead engagement and improve your chances of converting them into customers.
  2. Time savings: By allowing leads to schedule meetings with you directly, you can save time that would otherwise be spent scheduling appointments manually.
  3. Increased efficiency: Sharing your calendar link can help you manage your time more efficiently; it allows you to schedule appointments back-to-back or during times when you’re typically less busy. This can help you maximize your productivity and reduce downtime.
  4. Personalization: Including your calendar link in your email or text sequences, can make your outreach more personalized and relevant to each lead. This can help build rapport and increase the likelihood of a positive response.
  5. Flexibility: By giving leads the ability to choose a time that works for them, you can demonstrate flexibility and a willingness to work around their schedule. This can help build trust and credibility with your leads.

Overall, sharing your calendar link can help streamline your sales and marketing processes. It improves lead engagement, and increases efficiency.

However, it’s important to ensure that your calendar is up-to-date.

Top Navigation Bar

The top navigation bar is the search tool on the top left of your aNinja app.

Type in any info you have on a lead and the results are brought to you in the Leads View.
The top navigation bar

Top Navigation Bar’s activities

From the top navigation bar you can:

    • Type in a query and aNinja system brings you the results in the Leads view. e.g.


    • If you open an uploaded file, you can see the query related to this file e.g.


The Lead View

aNinja was designed to show you all the lead activities and interactions in one place: the Lead View.

The lead view is divided into 4 sections:

Accessing the lead view

You can access the it from 2 places:

  • On the top navigation bar, type the name of the lead or any info related to the lead (email, phone, URL, or custom fields). aNinja will find them for you. Click on the name. Then the system opens the lead view.
  • From the left sidebar, click on Leads. It will show you the list of all the leads you have in aNinja. Find your lead among them and click on the name. Then, the system opens the lead view.

Bulk Leads Import using a CSV or Excel file

You can import your leads in bulk into your aNinja account using a CSV or Excel file.

What’s a CSV file

CSV: a Comma Separated Values file. It’s a plain text file that contains a list of data. These files are often used for exchanging data between different applications. For example, databases and contact managers often support CSV files.

A CSV file has commas in between the values of each column. If there is no comma separating the values of the columns, the CSV file is not valid. And you’ll not be able to import your file to aNinja. So, you want to check the export options that generated this file to make sure the comma is there to have a valid CSV.

Creating a CSV or Excel file for Importing

  • Have your data saved in an Excel or Google sheet file as a dataset* and work on sanitizing it there.
  • Make sure the first row in your spreadsheet is a headers row (a row containing columns names).


  • To make the mapping process easier, name your headers as they appear in aNinja:
    • Standard Fields
      • aNinja standard fields are found under the categories: Lead’s Contacts, Company, and Address.
      • The Contact name is the only required field and it’s essential to complete the import.

    • Custom Fields
      • Prefix your field’s name with “Custom.” so it is saved as a custom field on the lead page.

Bulk Leads Import using a CSV / Excel file

  • You can access the Bulk Import from:
    • + Add Lead on the top right navigation bar

    • Or from Settings > Bulk Import in the left sidebar

  • Hit the Click to select a file

Bulk Leads Import using a CSV file

  • Then, choose the file you created for the upload.
  • If you have previously saved mappings, you can use them here. Click on “Load mapping” dropdown.
  • Otherwise, map the file fields (on the left side) to aNinja fields (on the right side)

All the files that you’ve imported to aNinja are saved in the Previous Bulk Import section. You can download / delete them at any time.

Where does the imported data appear

After the import, you can search your aNinja CRM for the imported leads. You can also search for any custom field, opportunities, and any other info that you have imported.

  • Lead’s contacts appear in the leads contact section in the lead view
  • Opportunities also appear in the opportunity section in the lead view
  • The company’s info appears on the top left of the lead view, in the Company section.
  • Custom fields appear in the custom field section of the lead view
  • Lead Search is a field that also appears in the bottom left of the lead view. Specifically, these are info/links on the lead or the organization found in Google search.

Leads Search

The lead search is one of the most common actions performed in regular business applications. aNinja searches among all your CRM records – Name, contact, email, phone, and any other custom fields, and brings you the results in the Leads View.

aNinja searches among all your CRM records – Name, contact, email, phone, and any other  and brings you the results in the

Leads Search in aNinja

Searching for a specific lead

Simply type your search in the top navigation bar here (name/contact/email/phone):

Searching for leads falling under certain criteria

Filtering your leads into any wished criteria, allows you to group them under these criteria, and target them with your specific campaigns call to action.

  • Create the criteria in the status of the lead(s) in the workflows.
  • Call a Smartlist with these criteria when it’s time to launch the campaign.

Categorizing your Leads before importing them

Search for leads using custom fields

You can also search for leads using custom fields.

Bulk Activities

The results of your search will show in the Leads View. You can save your search as smartlist for future use. You can also share it with other users.

After filtering your leads, you can start your activities:

More articles on Leads management

aNinja Custom Fields

aNinja Custom Fields allow you to add extra information to your lead’s contact. They can be created manually, or dynamically created via API-injected leads.

What is a Custom Field

A custom field is a personalized data field that you can create and define to store specific information in your aNinja account. It allows for customization and flexibility in capturing and organizing data according to unique requirements.

aNinja Custom fields allow you to augment your lead data with additional custom fields of different types.

Moreover, custom fields are searchable within the system and can be used to build smartlists and search for leads and execute a trigger action based on a custom field value changed event.

Types of Custom Fields

  • Text – For text input
    • e.g. Campaign, category, form name, etc…
  • Link – For fields with any link/URL
    • If you designate the type as “Link” here, it will render the URL value as a clickable link in the lead view.

  • Date – Date in different formats
    • Select “Date” or “Datetime” as the type, and indicate the desired date format for displaying the value in the lead view.
  • Dropdown – Fields with multiple options dropdown
    • Select “Dropdown” as the type, and indicate the desired values for displaying in the lead view. Type one value on each like and hit enter to enter the second value.
    • e.g. “Source” with the values “Facebook”, “LinkedIn”, “Twitter”, etc…

Manually adding a custom field

  • On the left sidebar, click on Settings
  • Go to Custom Fields
  • Here, click on Add Custom Field
  • Label the Custom Field,
  • And, select the Type as described above (Text, Link, Date, or Dropdown).
  • Lastly, hit Save

Editing a Custom Field

  • On the left sidebar, click on Settings
  • Go to Custom Fields
  • Click the edit pen next to the field name
  • Make the changes and hit Save

Deleting a Custom Field

  • On the left sidebar, click on Settings
  • Go to Custom Fields
  • Click the edit pen next to the field name
  • Click the recycle bin icon
  • And hit OK to delete.

Adding a custom field to the contacts file / CSV file

When you’re preparing the contacts file, and before you import it to your aNinja account; save any additional information that you have on the leads as custom fields. Like “created date”, “source”, “platform”… Then map them to the aNinja custom fields.

Name the header and prefix it with “Custom.” e.g. Custom.Platform.

Using Custom fields in Triggers

You can use the Custom field value changed as a Trigger event to execute a trigger action.

Related articles:

Segmenting leads using Custom fields

Searching for leads using custom fields

Trigger Custom Field value changed event


WordPress Forms aNinja Integration

WordPress Forms aNinja integration is a way to integrate WordPress websites into your aNinja account.

After the integration, a lead is injected into your aNinja account after each form submission.

aNinja Integration

WordPress Sites Integration

You can integrate and augment the functionality of popular platforms with aNinja, including Shopify, Squarespace, WordPress, and Wix.

  • First, you need to find your API key
    • On the left sidebar, click on Settings > Users
    • Then, click the edit pen next to your name.
    • And, copy it to use it later in the integration

Fields mapping

Map the data on the aNinja fields and Form fields.

These are the default aNinja fields:

For the Custom Fields, just prefix the field name with “Custom.” e.g. Custom.Source

Where does the imported data appear

After the integration, you can search your aNinja CRM for your leads. You can also search for any custom field, opportunities, and any other info that was pushed from the form.

  • Lead’s contacts appear in the leads contact section in the lead view
  • Opportunities also appear in the opportunity section in the lead view
  • The company’s info appears on the top left of the lead view, in the Company section.
  • Custom fields appear in the custom field section of the lead view
  • Lead Search is afield that also appears in the bottom left of the lead view. Specifically, these are info/links on the lead or the organization found in Google search.

Need help in your aNinja integrations? Leave us an email at We will happily assist you!

Launch a bulk email or text sequence for a specific group of leads

Create a custom field that specifies a group of leads – create a Smartlist using this custom field – and Launch a bulk email or text sequence for this group of leads.

Using the custom fields feature, you can pick the right leads delegated for a special campaign. The custom field could be a location, creation time, source, or any identification you want to add to a lead.

Whether you choose to reach out to your leads by email or by text, you can send them in Sequence.

You can also launch an email or text sequence on a specific event using aNinja triggers feature.

Launching a bulk email or text sequence for a specific group of leads

1- Create a new custom field
2- Segment your leads

Group or segment your leads based on their specific characteristics by assigning them a custom field, to personalize the messages and make them relevant to each specific segment/group.

3- Create a Smartlist using Custom fields

Add the Custom field to the Smartlist search query which dedicated to retrieve leads based on their characteristics. e.g. Custom.Group=”email1″. This brings all the leads having this custom field to the leads view.

4- Launch the sequence
  • Select the Buk Email Sequence or Bulk Text Sequence from the top right of the page, and hit Launch Bulk Sequence to Launch a bulk email or text sequence for this specific group of leads.Launch a bulk email or text sequence for a specific group of leads
  • An alert pops up to show the number of leads included in this sequence and that have no phone numbers or no email addresses. Click on the number in the alert to see those leads.

Leadsbridge aNinja Integration

In this article, we show you how Leadsbridge aNinja Integration can be easily done.

What’s Leadsbridge

LeadsBridge is an automation platform. It’s designed for companies to improve their lead generation.

It also helps them automate their audience management and streamline their full-funnel tracking.

aNinja allows you to get your leads from Leadsbrige to your aNinja account.

Integrating Leadsbridge with aNinja

  • In your Leadsbridge dashboard, on the top left, click on New Bridge.
  • Under Choose the apps you want to connect:
    • Select Leads Ads (e.g. Facebook) under Select Source
    • Then, choose Webhooks under Select Destination
    • And Continue
    • Then on the bottom left, click on “Take me to complex bridge”.
  • Under Source type e.g Facebook
  • And choose Create New Destination under the dropdown
  • Lastly, click Next
  • Under Source
    • Select the Facebook Ad Account
    • Here, choose the Facebook Page
    • Then, select the Facebook Form
    • Lastly, click Next
  • Here, we need to find your aNinja API key
  • Under URL field put:
      • Example:
  • Under Destination
    • Select POST under Method
    • And Update your Leadsbridge API
    • Then, click Next
      • Toggle Active? to Yes, if you need an email notification on each new lead
      • And, click Next
  • Under Fields Mapping
    • Click Next
  • Under Test
    • Click on Test Now
    • Then, Select YES under Lead Access permissions
    • Lastly, click Save & Publish

Where does the imported data appear

After the integration, you can search your aNinja CRM for the imported leads. You can also search for any custom field and any other info that you have imported.

  • Lead’s contacts appear in the leads contact section in the lead view
  • The company’s info appears on the top left of the lead view, in the Company section.
  • Custom fields appear in the custom field section of the lead view
  • Lead Search is a field that also appears in the bottom left of the lead view. Specifically, these are info/links on the lead or the organization found in Google search.

Need help with Leadsbridge aNinja Integration? Leave us an email at We will happily assist you!