Updating Templates and Signatures in in-queue messages

Updating templates and signatures in in-queue messages ensures that the messages being sent to customers are up-to-date.

Outdated templates and signatures can lead to confusion and inaccuracies.


To launch bulk text sequences, you want to start by creating templates and sequences. Then you set the launching date.

Once a text sequence is created, the system retrieves

  • the corresponding template(s),
  • the phone number used to initiate the sequence,
  • and the lead info available at the time of creation.

Modifications made to the template(s) or the signature of the phone number used to launch this text sequence can be reflected in the sequence, post-launching.

However, any changes made to the lead info are not currently being updated in the queued-up texts.

How to include template updates in the sequence

When editing a template’s content, you can choose to update all in-queue texts that are using this template.

  • Go to Settings > Automations > Text or Email Templates

  • Click on the pencil next to the template to go to the edit view

  • Make your changes.
  • And click Save.
  • Afterward, go back to the edit view once again to click on Update in-queue texts or emails.
  • Otherwise, the template’s updates will be saved but changes will not reflected in in-queue texts and emails.
  • In case there are no messages in queue using this template, the update in-queue button is disabled.

Note: The update might take several minutes depending on the size of the in-queue messages.

How to include Signature updates in the sequence

Update Text signatures in-queue

When editing a signature saved in a phone number, you can choose to update all in-queue text templates that were sent from this number.

  • Go to Settings > Phone Numbers
  • Click on the pencil next to the phone number to go to the edit view

  • Type in the new signature,
  • And click Update.
  • Then, you should go back to the edit view once again to click on Update in-queue texts.
  • Otherwise, the signature updates will be saved but changes will not reflected in the in-queue texts.
  • You can also see the number of in-queue texts that are using this phone number.
  • In case there are no messages in queue using this template, the update in-queue button is disabled.

Note: The update might take several minutes depending on the size of the in-queue texts

Update Email Signatures in-queue

When editing a signature saved in a email account, you can choose to update all in-queue email templates that were sent from this email account.

  • Go to Settings > Email Accounts
  • Click on the pencil next to the email to go to the edit view

  • Type in the new signature,
  • And click Update.
  • Then, you should go back to the edit view once again to click on Update in-queue emails.
  • Otherwise, the signature updates will be saved but changes will not reflected in the in-queue emails.
  • You can also see the number of in-queue emails that are using this email account.

Note: The update might take several minutes depending on the size of the in-queue texts

Avoid emails being marked as SPAM

Learn how to avoid your emails being marked as SPAM. Follow the below practices to increase your email deliverability and protect your reputation.

Practices that avoid your emails being marked as spam

You surely want to ensure your email deliverability and protect your reputation. However, depending on the receiver’s settings, your legitimate messages can get marked as junk quite easily. It’s not a server or hosting issue, it’s just a common problem in the digital age.

Here are some common things you can do to help avoid spam filter flagging your emails:

  • When preparing your email template in aNinja, make sure it doesn’t have in the subject line or email body any of the following:
    • Crazy formatting
    • ALL CAPS
    • A lot of exclamation points !!!
    • Phishing phrases and trigger words like Fantastic deal, For free, Act now, don’t hesitate.
    • Also, avoid image-only messages.
  • Let the recipients know who you are and where you’re located: add a signature to your emails.
  • Inform your recipients how they can opt-out of receiving any future emails: add an unsubscribe link to your emails.
  • Honor opt-out requests: send an automated reply through aNinja triggers.
  • Use SendGrid to send a large number of email sequences through aNinja without limitations and without worrying about spam filters marking your messages as spam.
  • Test your email for SPAM Score
  • Ensure that you’re Compliant with the CAN-SPAM Act
  • Ask your clients to whitelist your domain.
  • Lastly, ensure your email authentication is enabled:
What are SPF, DKIM, and DMARC
  • SPF: Sender Policy Framework records allow domain owners to publish a list of IP addresses or subnets that are authorized to send emails on their behalf. Mainly, the goal is to reduce the amount of spam and fraud by making it much harder for malicious senders to disguise their identities.
  • DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) standard is an email authentication technology that verifies a message was sent from a legitimate user of an email address. Basically, it’s a way to additionally sign your emails in a way that will allow the recipient’s server to check if the sender was really you or not.
  • Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC) is an email authentication method that allows you to protect your email domain from spoofing.

Make sure to comply with all the above practices to avoid the spam filters flagging your emails.

Email Signature

When sending emails via aNinja or in any email account you use, you would want to include your signature at the bottom.

What’s an email signature?

It is a powerful way to convey your professionalism to your readers and give them the information they need to contact you. It is placed at the bottom of each mail, which helps leave a great impression and makes you stand out from your peers.

A good signature design should include the following elements:
  1. Avatar and/or company logo.
  2. First name and last name.
  3. Job title, department, and company name.
  4. Email address and telephone number.
  5. Company physical address.
  6. Social media icons.
  7. Banner (optional)
  8. Offer (optional)

Setting your email signature in aNinja

  • Login to your aNinja account.
  • Go to Settings > Email Accounts
  • Click on the edit pen next to your email/name
  • Type in your signatureemail signature
  • And hit Update
  • Now your signature will show at the bottom of each email you send via aNinja.