Opportunity Status Report

Opportunities let you track what kind of financial reward you are expecting to make from a lead, in a certain interval of time, including an optional confidence interval. Set your filters in the toolbar and manipulate the data you want to view in your report including the aNinja opportunity status report.

In this article, we show you how you can filter your opportunity statuses.

Accessing aNinja Opportunity Status Report

Setting the Opportunity filters

From the toolbar, you can manipulate the data you want to view in your report.

  • The toolbar options:
    • Status:
      • You can choose to view the opportunities sorted by status.
    • Sales Rep:
      • If you have an admin role, you can choose to view the opportunity status of a specific user, or all the users.
      • If you have a user role, you can only view your own statuses.
    • Date Range:
      • Set the date range you want, between today and the last 12 months, or even customize the range.
        • If the status is set to all (view all the statuses), then the date range filter will be applied on the “Date created field“.
        • If the status is specified, then the date range filter will be applied on the “Date status updated field“.

The Opportunity Report

After you set your filters, the system brings you the reports that are relevant to your search.

  • You can see the total number of each opportunity status in the first widget.
  • In the report’s list, the date Status Update is the date when the opportunity was set to active.
  • The Date Created is the date when the opportunity status was created.
  • Lastly, export your Opportunities data report into a CSV file


Lead Activities

All your lead activities are saved in the Lead View in the History section to give you a deep view of the tasks performed for this lead.

What are the lead activities?

They are the tasks that you can perform on a lead in all stages:

Go ahead and hover over the links to get more details on each activity.

Where can I see the lead activities?

They are part of the lead view. You can access the lead view from 2 places:

  • In the top navigation bar, type the name of the lead or any info related to them (email, phone, URL, or custom field). Then, aNinja will find them for you. After that, click on the name and it opens the lead view.

  • From the left sidebar, click on Leads icon. It shows you the list of all the leads you have in aNinja. Find your lead among them and click on the name. That opens the lead view.

All your activities are saved in the Lead View in the History section to give you a deep view of the tasks performed for this lead.

Search for more help articles in the aNinja Knowledge base

Assigning a lead to a user

Assigning a lead to a user is the first task that you can do when a lead pops up into aNinja to turn them into a customer faster.

And in the sales/marketing process, multiple users may take charge of a lead, depending on their role.

Moreover, users with admin roles can manage the delegation of leads to different users.

When a lead is assigned to a user, if another user is sending them an email, it will pull out with the name of the user whom the lead is assigned to.

Assigning a lead to a user

Lead assignment can be done through:

  • The lead view
    • This requires admin access if the option “Users can only see Leads assigned to them” is enabled in Settings > Global SettingsAssigning a lead to a user
  • Triggers using [Lead assignment] actions

User ID

Each user is granted a private user-id as soon as they are invited to join aNinja, regardless of their role.

You can find the user-id in Settings > Users.

Using a Smartlist, you can utilize this user-id to filter leads assigned to specific users. You can also enable this Smartlist as a Dashboard Widget.

Similarly, you can narrow down your Opportunity report to see a snapshot of the users’ sales activities over a certain timeframe.


aNinja Reports

Get reports on the workflow of your latest activities and interactions that you’ve made in aNinja in a certain period of time. aNinja reports are simple, understandable, and provide you with a detailed view of your business performance.

When every user can see his reports, admin users can see all users reports and stats.

On the top right of the Reports page, you can select the period and the user.

Accessing Reports

On the left sidebar, click on Reports icon.aNinja reports

aNinja reports

Below are the reports provided by aNinja:

  • Workflow Summary (ASR)
    • See All Steps Reached across the workflow.
  • Workflow Summary (LSR)
    • See the Last Steps Reached across the workflow.
  • Leads
    • See stats of leads created and Via API.
  • Opportunities
    • See figures of the Opportunity statuses.
    • On the right corner of the Opportunity report, see details of leads’ opportunities. Inside the report, you can export stats into a CSV file.
  • Emails
    • See stats of all sent and opened emails, and the open rate.
  • Texts
    • See stats of incoming and outgoing texts.
  • Calls
    • See stats of outgoing calls and their total duration.

Creating Opportunity Statuses

Creating opportunity statuses allow you to customize statuses for your lead Opportunities. By default aNinja has 3 opportunity statuses enabled: Active, Won, and Lost. You can create your own opportunity statuses.

Creating opportunity statuses

  • Here, choose the Add opportunity status

Creating Opportunity Statuses

  • Then, Name the status and set the Confidence rate.

Creating Opportunity Statuses

  • Lastly, don’t forget to Save the new opportunity to be able to use it in the lead view.

Editing Opportunity Status

  • Click on the edit pen next to the opportunity name.
  • And make the changes
  • Lastly, don’t forget to save it.

Deleting Opportunity Status

From inside the edit section, just click on the recycle bin. Afterward, the system will delete it.

Lead Opportunities

Lead Opportunities let you track what kind of financial reward you are expecting to make from a lead, in a certain interval of time, including an optional confidence interval.

Where to set the opportunities for a Lead

Opportunities are one of the lead attributes that you manage in the lead view.

  • Search for the lead
  • When on the lead view, on the left side, click on Opportunities and start filling the info.
    •  Value $: Is the amount of money you expect that the lead will render to your business after closing them.
    • Period: Is the period of time that the money is expected to be collected in.
    • User: Is the user assigned to follow up with the lead on this opportunity.
    • Status: The status of the opportunity (Active / Won / Lost) according to the behavior of the lead to your deal.
    • Created Date: The day you start the pursue the lead with a specific offer.
    • Close Date: The day expected to stop the pursuit.
    • Confidence: Is the confidence rate according to the behavior of the lead to your deal.
    • Note: Leave your notes here, to pick up on them later on.
    • Don’t forget to Save your work.

Opportunities are also viewable in the Reports section.

Lead Opportunities

The Lead View

aNinja was designed to show you all the lead activities and interactions in one place: the Lead View.

The lead view is divided into 4 sections:

Accessing the lead view

You can access the it from 2 places:

  • On the top navigation bar, type the name of the lead or any info related to the lead (email, phone, URL, or custom fields). aNinja will find them for you. Click on the name. Then the system opens the lead view.
  • From the left sidebar, click on Leads. It will show you the list of all the leads you have in aNinja. Find your lead among them and click on the name. Then, the system opens the lead view.