Keeping a clean database

Bad data infiltrates every database in form of duplicate contacts, un-standardized lead data, and junk records. While you can’t always keep bad data from coming in, you can clean it up when it’s there.

In order to keep a clean database, you can sanitize your contact file before you import it, and perform a clean-up routine to the existing data.

Importing a correct data

Before you import contacts in a CSV/Excel file, check the following tips:

  • Provide correct email addresses to ensure the deliverability of your emails.
  • Provide correct phone numbers to ensure the deliverability of your texts and campaigns.
  • If possible, assign the mobile number to the primary phone number.
  • Ensure the uniformity of custom fields: don’t create multiple custom fields for identical data. This will lead to confusion over the correct custom field to keep updated, and over the Smartlists results.
    • e.g. on a first data import, custom field “Source”; on a second data import, custom field “Created through”, on a third “Origin”, on a fourth “From”. This creates 4 custom fields for one identical data.
  • Set the Global Setting rule: Do not add new Leads via API if Lead with similar email already exists (avoids duplicates)

Cleaning up the existing data

However, the bad data can still be cleaned up when it’s already there.

  • Remove duplicates
    • Go to Settings > Data Clean up
    • Choose the merging method (by email or by phone)
    • Repeat this task every now and then, depending on the volume of the incoming leads.
  • Prune inactive and junk contacts
    • Contacts with no emails and/or phone numbers are of no use in your database.
    • Leads who asked to stop receiving from you can crowd your database and preferably be deleted.

Keeping a clean database reserves more space for the correct data.

Reach us at to assist you in merging duplicates.

Bulk Leads Import using a CSV or Excel file

You can import your leads in bulk into your aNinja account using a CSV or Excel file.

What’s a CSV file

CSV: a Comma Separated Values file. It’s a plain text file that contains a list of data. These files are often used for exchanging data between different applications. For example, databases and contact managers often support CSV files.

A CSV file has commas in between the values of each column. If there is no comma separating the values of the columns, the CSV file is not valid. And you’ll not be able to import your file to aNinja. So, you want to check the export options that generated this file to make sure the comma is there to have a valid CSV.

Creating a CSV or Excel file for Importing

  • Have your data saved in an Excel or Google sheet file as a dataset* and work on sanitizing it there.
  • Make sure the first row in your spreadsheet is a headers row (a row containing columns names).


  • To make the mapping process easier, name your headers as they appear in aNinja:
    • Standard Fields
      • aNinja standard fields are found under the categories: Lead’s Contacts, Company, and Address.
      • The Contact name is the only required field and it’s essential to complete the import.

    • Custom Fields
      • Prefix your field’s name with “Custom.” so it is saved as a custom field on the lead page.

Bulk Leads Import using a CSV / Excel file

  • You can access the Bulk Import from:
    • + Add Lead on the top right navigation bar

    • Or from Settings > Bulk Import in the left sidebar

  • Hit the Click to select a file

Bulk Leads Import using a CSV file

  • Then, choose the file you created for the upload.
  • If you have previously saved mappings, you can use them here. Click on “Load mapping” dropdown.
  • Otherwise, map the file fields (on the left side) to aNinja fields (on the right side)

All the files that you’ve imported to aNinja are saved in the Previous Bulk Import section. You can download / delete them at any time.

Where does the imported data appear

After the import, you can search your aNinja CRM for the imported leads. You can also search for any custom field, opportunities, and any other info that you have imported.

  • Lead’s contacts appear in the leads contact section in the lead view
  • Opportunities also appear in the opportunity section in the lead view
  • The company’s info appears on the top left of the lead view, in the Company section.
  • Custom fields appear in the custom field section of the lead view
  • Lead Search is a field that also appears in the bottom left of the lead view. Specifically, these are info/links on the lead or the organization found in Google search.