Lead Interactions

Lead interactions refer to the various touchpoints between a business and a potential customer, or lead, throughout the sales and marketing process.

You can track and manage those interactions in aNinja. Which allows you to monitor and analyze them with leads and track their progress through the sales pipeline.

In aNinja, they can take many forms, including notes, emails, texts, and phone calls.

Types of lead interactions

  • Note 
    • Leave any important note for you or other team members to pick up on, including minutes notes.
  • Email
    • Send personalized emails to leads to introduce your product or service, provide value, and encourage them to take action.
  • Text
    • Using SMS or other messaging apps to communicate with leads in a more immediate and personal way.
  • Call 
    • Speaking with leads over the phone to build rapport, answer questions, and provide more information about your product or service.

Where can I see the lead interactions

They exist in the lead view, in “All Interactions” dropdown.

Lead Interactions

You can access the lead view from 2 places:

  • On the top navigation bar, type the name of the lead or any info related to this lead (email, phone, URL, or custom field). Then, aNinja finds them for you. Just click on the name and the system redirects you to the lead view where you can start the lead interactions.
  • From the left sidebar, click on Leads icon. It shows you the list of all the leads you have in aNinja. Locate the lead, click on their name, and you will be guided to their lead view.

All your interactions are saved in the Lead View in the History section to give you a deep view of the tasks performed for this lead.

Search for more help articles in the aNinja Knowledge base

Assigning a lead to a user

Assigning a lead to a user is the first task that you can do when a lead pops up into aNinja to turn them into a customer faster.

And in the sales/marketing process, multiple users may take charge of a lead, depending on their role.

Moreover, users with admin roles can manage the delegation of leads to different users.

When a lead is assigned to a user, if another user is sending them an email, it will pull out with the name of the user whom the lead is assigned to.

Assigning a lead to a user

Lead assignment can be done through:

  • The lead view
    • This requires admin access if the option “Users can only see Leads assigned to them” is enabled in Settings > Global SettingsAssigning a lead to a user
  • Triggers using [Lead assignment] actions

User ID

Each user is granted a private user-id as soon as they are invited to join aNinja, regardless of their role.

You can find the user-id in Settings > Users.

Using a Smartlist, you can utilize this user-id to filter leads assigned to specific users. You can also enable this Smartlist as a Dashboard Widget.

Similarly, you can narrow down your Opportunity report to see a snapshot of the users’ sales activities over a certain timeframe.


Top Navigation Bar

The top navigation bar is the search tool on the top left of your aNinja app.

Type in any info you have on a lead and the results are brought to you in the Leads View.
The top navigation bar

Top Navigation Bar’s activities

From the top navigation bar you can:

    • Type in a query and aNinja system brings you the results in the Leads view. e.g.


    • If you open an uploaded file, you can see the query related to this file e.g.


Bulk texting a smartlist of leads for the first time

Bulk text helps you send customized SMS for your marketing / service campaigns. It helps provide actionable alerting, on-call management, and much more. With aNinja, you can create a smartlist with the leads that you’ve not yet contacted: Bulk texting a smartlist of leads for the first time.

Bulk texting a smartlist of leads for the first time

  • If you’d like to create a Smartlist of leads that have never received a text from your aNinja account before, you can use the following query:


Bulk texting a smartlist of leads for the first time

The results of the Smartlist will show in the Leads view. Go ahead and click on Bulk Text Sequence to start launching your text sequences to this list.

Saving your Smartlist

You can save that query into a Smartlist for future use.

  • Click on Save as Smart list
  • Name your Smartlist (e.g. Leads not contacted)
  • And Click on Save

Find your saved Smartlist

Next to the top navigation bar, Click on Smart lists and locate your smartlist

It brings you the results in the Leads view. You can choose to send Bulk Email Sequences or Bulk Text Sequences, or even power dial this list of leads.

Leads Search

The lead search is one of the most common actions performed in regular business applications. aNinja searches among all your CRM records – Name, contact, email, phone, and any other custom fields, and brings you the results in the Leads View.

aNinja searches among all your CRM records – Name, contact, email, phone, and any other  and brings you the results in the

Leads Search in aNinja

Searching for a specific lead

Simply type your search in the top navigation bar here (name/contact/email/phone):

Searching for leads falling under certain criteria

Filtering your leads into any wished criteria, allows you to group them under these criteria, and target them with your specific campaigns call to action.

  • Create the criteria in the status of the lead(s) in the workflows.
  • Call a Smartlist with these criteria when it’s time to launch the campaign.

Categorizing your Leads before importing them

Search for leads using custom fields

You can also search for leads using custom fields.

Bulk Activities

The results of your search will show in the Leads View. You can save your search as smartlist for future use. You can also share it with other users.

After filtering your leads, you can start your activities:

More articles on Leads management

aNinja Smartlist

aNinja Smartlist is a saved query that you can reuse as a list in your Dashboard while navigating through leads. As well, you can target this list of leads in email or text sequences.

Basically, this allows you to easily bulk email / bulk text in sequence. Or simply create Smart Views for the actions required and run through them as your daily to-do list.

Moreover, if you add new leads to your account and they match the query filtering parameters, they will automatically show up on the Smartlist results.

But, if a bulk sequence is already triggered or launched, it will not add new leads to it. Neither changing lead info after creating a sequence does affect the bulk sequence.

Creating aNinja Smartlist

  • From the top navigation bar, click on SmartList
  • Then on + Smartlist
  • Here, you can view the query examples
    • For example, to search for leads added after July 20, use this search query:
      lead.created >= “2020-07-01”
  • Search queries can be saved for future use “Save as Smartlist


Don’t forget to save the results of your query(ies) as a Smartlist before leaving the page to avoid losing them.

Smartlist of multiple queries

Smartlists can be built with one or multiple queries. This way, you can narrow your search for specific leads.

Accessing saved Smartlists

  • From the top navigation bar, click on Smartlists.
  • You can see a list of all the saved Smartlists.
  • Click on a Smartlist and the system brings up the data for you in the leads view.
What can you do with a Smartlist:

Save the Do Not Contact list as Smartlist

Creating a Smartlist from Bulk Import list

aNinja Smartlist multiple queries

Bulk texting a smartlist of leads for the first time


Launch a bulk email or text sequence for a specific group of leads

Create a custom field that specifies a group of leads – create a Smartlist using this custom field – and Launch a bulk email or text sequence for this group of leads.

Using the custom fields feature, you can pick the right leads delegated for a special campaign. The custom field could be a location, creation time, source, or any identification you want to add to a lead.

Whether you choose to reach out to your leads by email or by text, you can send them in Sequence.

You can also launch an email or text sequence on a specific event using aNinja triggers feature.

Launching a bulk email or text sequence for a specific group of leads

1- Create a new custom field
2- Segment your leads

Group or segment your leads based on their specific characteristics by assigning them a custom field, to personalize the messages and make them relevant to each specific segment/group.

3- Create a Smartlist using Custom fields

Add the Custom field to the Smartlist search query which dedicated to retrieve leads based on their characteristics. e.g. Custom.Group=”email1″. This brings all the leads having this custom field to the leads view.

4- Launch the sequence
  • Select the Buk Email Sequence or Bulk Text Sequence from the top right of the page, and hit Launch Bulk Sequence to Launch a bulk email or text sequence for this specific group of leads.Launch a bulk email or text sequence for a specific group of leads
  • An alert pops up to show the number of leads included in this sequence and that have no phone numbers or no email addresses. Click on the number in the alert to see those leads.